‪(813) 540-6191‬ admin@WorldConsultingGroup.com

Economic Consulting

Expert Testimony For Complex Lawsuits, Designing Global Business Strategies

Information Technology

Complete Range of Services for Custom Web Design and Development

Management Consulting

Analyze Current Internal Company Efforts and Recommend Steps to Improve Overall Performance

Marketing & Advertising

Standard Operating Procedure that are Designed to Maximize your Existing Projects

Political Consulting

A Confidential Service Offered to those Considering a Run for Public Office


Developing Visual Solutions that Communicate and Make Applications Easier to Use

Public Relations

Client Relations Management with Proper Public Image, Consumer / Clients

Welcome to World Consulting Group

World Consulting Group would like to welcome and thank you for visiting our website. World Consulting Group is the premier management consulting firm composed of highly educated and experienced individuals in order to achieve the highest possible level of satisfaction for our clients. Our slogan of “bringing consulting to you” is the core of our business: we will deploy all necessary means to assist and improve your business. Improving your business is our business.

World Consulting Group offers a wide range of services including management consulting, executive coaching, advertising, marketing, informational technology political consulting, and economic consulting.

We specialize in small and medium size businesses, with 1 to 500 employees. We are extremely goal oriented which means that our clients enjoy an extra ordinary level of expertise and customer service. We strive for absolute satisfaction of our clients and we do anything and everything humanly possible to satisfy our clients’ goals and needs.

Latest News


As a part of our continuous attempts to create the most viable online presence, we have redesigned our website in order to implement our customer feed backs.


World Consulting Group introduces its Cost – Reduction – Management services. During the past years as a Management Consulting firm, we discovered something very unique but virtually uniform to almost all businesses: outrageous or overpriced overhead costs.


Public Relation Solution a division of World Consulting Group at introduces two new services: Workforce Diversification Analysis (W.D.A) and Workforce Diversification Implementation (W.D.I.)

Generally Speaking, We Abide by Four Pillars



W.C.G. will finalize the project by the pre-agreed time


W.C.G. will finalize the project within the pre agree budget



W.C.G will maintain the project according to all predetermined agreement/s


W.C.G will respond to client support request within 4 hours

If any of the above named obligations are not fulfilled to absolute satisfaction of the client, ALL the contract fees are refunded immediately; including those fees for the consultation, creation, setup, and maintenance. Our policy is 100% satisfaction or money back*. Period.

World Consulting Group offers Three Different Levels of Services

For Profit Small Business(s)

Clients which operate a “for profit small business” are offered all the services at pre-set rates. WCG keeps the right to accept and/or deny any project at its own discretions.

Non Profit(s) / Governmental Organization(s)

These service/terms are offered to those institutions which operate non profit(s) and/or governmental organization(s). If a project is accepted, all the work and maintenance of those project(s) are done at cost*.


These services/terms are offered to those institutions which operate charity organizations. If a project is accepted, all the work and maintenances of those project(s) will be provided free of charge*.
*Restrictions apply. Email us to find us about exact and accurate terms.